
We are a small farm located in Canaan NH that specializes in Microgreens. We proudly serve and deliver to restaurants, caterers, grocery stores and the general public within the upper valley. Please let us know how we can serve you!

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for your info. I enjoy your videos and have recently found you on Facebook. I normally watch the videos on a TV via YouTube. So I haven’t commented on any videos yet. Keep up the good work.



  2. Very very awesome Corey! What a terrific website and YouTube Channel! I’ve signed up for your newsletters! Wish you so much success and thank you for sharing all this great info! You rock!


    1. Just found you on YouTube. Excellent videos, easy to stay with the viewing. Great info! Thank you! Going to give microgreen growing a go, for my family!
      Deb from St Pete, FL


  3. Hi Corey! I’m growing my first small batch of microgreens from organic seeds I purchased from a local store while I wait for my kit to arrive from True Leaf. If I’m successful with my first few batches maybe I’ll venture out and sell them. I’d love that! I too am in the north east; I’m in Massachusetts.
    Thanks for your awesome videos and encouragement! Sue


  4. Great video intro on YouTube. I watched via television. I moved to Atlanta recently and looking to generate income. Your budget friendly approach is awesome and I think I want to try it. I also blog but it’s just starting too. I’ll catch your other videos but they seem easy to follow.


  5. Hi Corey, I enjoyed your video on starting up a microgreen business. I haven’t seen anyone mention what or if licensing is required from the state to sell food products to the public. I am originally from MA, but moved to Missouri 3 years ago and would like to start this as a means of side income. Thank-you for showing how to start up on a low budget. I’m looking forward to starting up soon. Gale


  6. Hi Corey,
    I found you on YouTube this weekend. I’ve been watching ever since. Listening to your accent, I knew you had to be from New Hampshire.Being a native of New Hampshire myself, but now living in Mississippi, I watched more intensely and thought that I should start growing my own micro greens. I want to buy the kit and make sure I go through you, so you can make the small profit. Could you please send me the link for True Leaf Market ? Email is landersmarilyn2@gmail.com. Thanks. Looking forward to your reply.


  7. Hi, Corey! Thank you so much for generously sharing all this info. I saw your videos on you tube and now browsing through your website. I love how detailed and step by step your procedures are. I’m interested in growing microgreens but I have concern re cockroaches in my house. I’m wondering if you’ve had any concern re similar bugs, etc? Thanks in advance for your reply.


    1. We don’t really have cockroach problems in the NE but I wouldn’t expect them to be a big issue with Microgreens unless you have a really bad infestation


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